Your are cordially invited to the webinair of The African Working Group ‘’Multicriteria Decision Aid’’ It will be organized on line March 15th from 14h Pm to 17h Pm. (GMT+1)
Poster : AFROS_WG_MCDA_Webinair_2023
The talks will be:
What is a decision problem?
By Alexis Tsoukiàs ; CNRS research director at LAMSADE, PSL University, Paris Dauphine. Former vice-president of ROADEF and former President of EURO and coordinator of the Peace Studies Master.
Holistic MCDA methods for organizing the decision support in electronic negotiation systems
By Tomasz Wachowicz ; Associate professor, University of Economics in Katowice, Department of Operations Research, Head of GAIOR research group.
Multicriteria Decision Analysis as Focus for Strategic Planning
By Theodor Stewart : Emeritus Professor of Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town Former Editor in Chief, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis.