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AWG: Healthcare Systems

  1. Mission of the AWG

The objective of this African Working Group is to bring together OR experts and health professionals – both from the public and private sectors – to develop a network of multidisciplinary skills in the field of health. This network will contribute to meet the challenges of this sector through the identification and implementation of action research projects aimed at improving the quality and safety of health services in Africa. It is by pooling skills and joining forces that this current African health situation will be turned around. Promoting OR and its applications in healthcare will undoubtedly be the main topic of the upcoming streams and events to be organized.

  1. Areas of research

The members of the African Working Group in Healthcare Systems have strong background and interest in healthcare systems. Precisely, the main achievements are:

  • Several PhD theses defended and/or supervised by members of the group.
  • Several agreements with socio-economic partners such as hospitals (Charles Nicolle Teaching Hospital, Abderrahmene Mami Teaching Hospital, Habib Thameur Hospital, Béthune Beuvry Hospital Center), public health institutions (Central Pharmacy of Tunisia, “Structure Fédérative de Recherche – Technologies pour la Santé et Médicament” Federative Research Structure – Technologies for Health and Medicine, France), etc.
  • Several International Collaboration Programs such as CMCU project PHC UTIQUE 18G1410, H2020-PROPHETIC (PROPHETIC: An innovating Personal Healthcare Service for a holistic remote management and treatment of Parkinson patients.), Research Project FUI FEDER collectivités : e-Monitor’Age, etc.
  • Organization of scientific events such as JTOH 2016, JETSAN 2017, GISEH 2020, IEEEGOL 2020, etc.
  • Among the members of our group, there are OR outstanding researchers, health professionals and experts.

The AWG will be on Healthcare Systems. It goes without saying that healthcare is vital, important, relevant and always contemporary, by its very nature. Moreover, despite the expertise and international recognition of eminent researchers, experts, and health professionals in Africa, the overall situation, unfortunately, remains critical. It could certainly be redressed by combining the strengths of Operations Research experts and health professionals. Indeed, OR is proving to be a key factor in the progress and optimization of the health field aimed at improving its performance.

Besides the strong scientific background of its members, the AWG in Healthcare Systems counts a talented, dynamic, fresh, and motivated team! Several members of our group are outstanding OR researchers with cutting-edge works on several related healthcare systems such as: healthcare supply chain resilience and sustainability, advanced OR and simulation techniques, machine learning and analytics, Heath 4.0 etc. Besides, a solid network of health experts and socio-economic partners will continue strengthening the ongoing action research projects aimed at improving the quality and safety of health services in the field.

With an experience that is already acquired in organizing events and the support of AFROS, exceptional streams and events related to the topic of health systems are going to be organized.

  1. Organization and Members

Chairman: Sondes Hammami. LR-ACS, National engineering school of Carthage, University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia.




Vice-Chairman. Safa Bhar Layeb, LR-OASIS, National Engineering School of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia. Email





Executive committee:


  1. Activities

In order to maintain and to spread the spirit of the AFROS community, a particular attention is paid to allow AWG members to stay in touch in a friendly way. Thus, once the AWG confirmed, several actions and activities would be kicked-off:

  • Mailing list with detailed contacts.
  • Active content on social networks: a Facebook page is planned to be created.
  • YouTube Channel for the recording of the talks and different streams.
  • Biannual Newsletter can also be considered in the medium term.
  • Building links with socio-economic partners and identifying African industrialists who may be interested in collaborating with our group such as Healthcare organizations from the public and private sectors.
  • Online quarterly webinars entitled “Healthcare Systems Seminars”: it will feature plenary talks, paper presentations from academia, healthcare systems and/or industry as well as interviews with famous researchers related to the healthcare community.
  • Specialized doctoral schools to students.
  • Organization of workshops and conferences regrouping practitioners, end-users and researchers in the area of healthcare systems to:
    • discuss real issues related to healthcare in African countries,
    • stimulate the work on growing concerns related healthcare systems with sound scientific methods,
    • exchange state-of-the-art knowledge.

Clearly, all the activities are subject to the approval of AFROS and will be conducted according to the required guidelines. It is worthy to mention that a pre-kickoff online meeting with the members of the AWG was conducted on April16th, 2021, to discuss about our proposal. The meeting went very well and showed strong commitment and motivation to promote our AWG in Healthcare Systems.

  1. Past and incoming events
  • 5th Healthcare Systems Seminar Online Free Seminar : Poster
  • 4th Healthcare Systems Seminar Online Free Seminar : Poster
  • 3rd Healthcare Systems Seminar Online Free Seminar : Poster
  • 2nd Healthcare Systems Seminar Online Free Seminar : Poster
  • Online Winter School on data analytics : Poster
  • 1st Healthcare Systems Seminar Online Free Seminar : Poster

To join this AWG, please email to Safa Bhar Layeb at