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The fifth edition of the Healthcare Systems Seminars

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Date: Friday, April 14, 2023

Time: 1pm Tunis Time (12 pm GMT)

Talk 1 in English entitled: “Home health care routing and scheduling: Research paths, organizational challenges

and promising future research directions” by Dr. Patrick HIRCH (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna).

Talk 2 in French entitled: “Une Approche de Compression Sans Pertes des Images Médicales dans un Réseau de Capteurs Corporels Sans Fils” by Dr. Adnen El-Amraoui (University of Artois, France).

 The two speakers have a respectful field experience to share with us and collaborations will surely be built. The details on these outstanding speakers are below. The talks will be followed by a debate and Q&A session.

The seminar is free but the registration is mandatory via the Google form:

The Zoom link will be sent by email after the registration.

 Attendance certificate could be delivered upon request at


Please, Save the date!

With warm regards,
Safa Layeb

On behalf of the executive committee of the African Working Group in Healthcare Systems

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